No matter if you travel to India for the first time or you have already visited this beautiful subcontinent - India is truly a magical place and captures everyone's heart!

In this article our journey takes us through Northern India, exploring the Golden Triangle - the most popular route for travelers in India. Especially if you are traveling solo, you can meet many wanderers along the way while exploring the best things to do in Northern India.

Visit the magical Taj Mahal, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and indulge in the city life of Delhi, Jaipur and Udaipur. Find out why it is worth to explore Agra beyond its crown jewel, and enjoy stunning sunsets from the castles in Jaipur.

Experience the authentic culture of Northern India - full of vivid colors, vibrant street life, amazing sights, tasty cuisine and diverse lifestyle. Fall in love with this magical place and let India capture your heart as well!


India is a truly magical place! Fall in love with its endless colors, the vibrant street life, epic tastes and its diverse culture. From buzzling cities and sparkling palaces, to breathtaking mountain ranges and beautiful beaches - India has something to offer for everyone!

In this article our journey takes us through Northern India, exploring the Golden Triangle. Learn about the magical Taj Mahal, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and indulge in the city life of Delhi, Jaipur and Udaipur. Find out why it is worth to explore Agra beyond its crown jewel and where to find the best photo spots at the Taj Mahal. Enjoy the stunning sunset from one of the castles in Jaipur or relax at a lakeside resort in Udaipur, and connect with the authentic Northern Indian culture during your trip.

If you travel with an open mind, you will discover the real beauty of India and this magical place can truly touch your heart!

Best Things To Do in Northern India

India's Golden Triangle is the most popular route for travelers in Northern India. You can easily visit 3-4 cities within a few days. Start off in New Delhi to indulge in the vibrant Indian city life, visit Agra with its magnificent and world-renowned Taj Mahal, and explore the impressive castles of Jaipur. If you have enough time, you can also extend your visit to the beautiful region of Udaipur which houses many wonderful lakes. This journey can easily be taken within a week but if you give yourself a few extra days, you will be able to truly feel the authentic culture of Northern India while wandering away from the key tourist attractions and engage with the local communities.

India's Golden Triangle is the most popular route for travelers in Northern India. You can easily visit 3-4 cities within a few days. Start off in New Delhi to indulge in the vibrant Indian city life, visit Agra with its magnificent and world-renowned Taj Mahal, and explore the impressive castles of Jaipur. If you have enough time, you can also extend your visit to the beautiful region of Udaipur which houses many wonderful lakes. This journey can easily be taken within a week but if you give yourself a few extra days, you will be able to truly feel the authentic culture of Northern India while wandering away from the key tourist attractions and engage with the local communities.

“I don't like carving the world into segments, we are one world!" - Indira Ghandi


New Delhi is one of the most buzzling cities in the world. Getting out of the airport and to your hotel can already be an adventure in itself. I suggest to arrange your transfer ahead of time so that you are not overwhelmed when arriving in New Delhi. Prepare yourself for the chaotic Indian traffic because it usually takes much longer to get around than expected. The ride from the airport to the center can take anywhere between 30 minutes and 2 hours depending where your accommodation is located and depending on Delhi's famous traffic. Patience is something you should definitely pack into your suit case when you travel to India!

However, once you are settled at your hotel, there are so many great things to do in New Delhi. If you are short on time and only staying for a day or two, here are some suggestions of the main sights and what you shouldn't miss in India's capital:

Best Things To Do in New Delhi


Agra is much smaller than Delhi and feels more authentic because you can easily walk around the streets in the center where locals engage with the tourists who flock here in thousands each year. Most people come to see Agra's crown jewel - the magical Taj Mahal. It is India's most visited landmark and it's surely the key attraction in the city.

However, Agra has a lot more to offer and it is definitely worth to stay here for a few nights to really indulge in the Northern Indian culture. Muslims and Hindus are living alongside the impressive UNESCO World Heritage site, which gives the city a great feel of diversity and an great variety of good cuisine. There are many rooftop restaurants where you can relax and get a glimpse of the Taj Mahal from afar, or you can dance the night away to the roaring Indian music at many of these open air venues.

Chose one of the traditional Homestay accommodations that offer a very welcoming atmosphere and can give you the opportunity to connect with a local Indian family. Agra is so much more than the Taj Mahal, so take the time to really explore it and visit all the major sights in Agra:

Best Things To Do in Agra

Read More - Taj Mahal & BEYOND

Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is a UNESCO World Heritage site, part of the New Seven Wonders of The World - and rightly so! This impressive monument took more than 15 years to be completed and it's a true symbol of love! The Mughal emperor Shah Jahan dedicated the white-marble mausoleum to his wife and love of his life, Mumtaz Mahal. Named "The Crown of the Palaces" he started building it in Mumtaz's memory after she died, and so it still stands today as the greatest symbol for the power of love.

You can feel the magic all around and it's worth wandering in all directions to truly see its entire beauty. Depending on the time of the day you visit the Taj Mahal, it will have a different feel each time you look at it. In the morning hours, it's best to beat the crowds when lining up before the sun rises and you can then witness how the majestic building suddenly appears out of the morning mist. Around noon is the time when most of the early visitors disappear and you will have a better chance to get a good glimpse from the most popular places, but it's also the time when it gets really hot so it's almost unbearable to stay outside for a long time. In the afternoon you have the best chance to see it clear and shiny but the heat keeps increasing throughout the day, and usually it's best for the afternoon visits between November and February when the temperature is lower.

If you happen to be in Agra for full moon, book your tickets for the moon gazing ahead of time and you will witness a very different kind of magic around the Taj Mahal all together! While most people only visit for a few hours, I highly recommend to stay for a night or two and see the Taj Mahal at different times of the day and from all different ankles. You may only be here once, so why not make the most of your trip and take it all in?! Here are some of the best photo spots and beautiful places to explore that you shouldn't miss at the Taj Mahal!

Best Things To Do at the
Taj Mahal

Read More - Taj Mahal & BEYOND


Jaipur is the city that sparkles in all kinds of different shades of pink, rose and red - which leads to its nickname, The "Pink City". The facades of many temples and palaces are decorated with thousands of little details which shine brightly in their reddish blend throughout the city. One of the key sights, Hawa Mahal, impresses with its colorful windows that reflect like rainbows when the sun lights them up in the right position. With its roughly 950 windows, the palace once served royal women to observe the street life from inside the building because they were not allowed to be seen in public without covering their faces. Hawa Mahal also has a terrace from with amazing views over the city.

However, for even more spectacular views and the best sunsets in Jaipur, you should visit Jaigarh Fort and Nahargarh Fort. You can venture around the huge fortresses and feel like an emperor yourself, or simply find a spot somewhere to relax and take a break from the buzzling city life. From Jaigarh Fort you have stunning views over Amer Fort and the Maota Lake, which are both roughly 15km outside of Jaipur. At Nahargarh Fort you can gaze out over Jaipur and its vicinity, highlighting the size of one of ten most populated cities in India.

Don't miss out on also visiting one of the few landmarks which is not dipped in pink - the white Birla Mandir Temple, located in front of the towering Moti Doongri Fort right in the middle of the city. There are so many things to do in Jaipur, so here are some of the key attractions:

Top Things To Do in Jaipur


Once you arrive in Udaipur, you will immediately feel the laid back atmosphere around the lakesides of the city. While there are seven lakes surrounding Udaipur, it's no surprise that it's also known as the "City of Lakes". Due to the picturesque scenery many Bollywood and Hollywood movies are using Udaipur as their film set. You may recognize the Taj Lake Palace and other places around the city that served as locations in the James Bond movie "Octopussy". Aside from the wonderful lakes, Udaipur is also know for its magnificent palaces and impressive fortresses.

Monsoon palace is the place to be for the best sunset and spectacular views of the Aravali Mountain Range, as well as overlooking the city and the seven lakes. The City Palace sparkles right above Lake Pichola, so you can visit the palace to see its historic and colorful interor while still enjoying breathtaking views over the lake. If you want to relax and let the impressions from the past days of travel let sink in for a while, there are many wonderful lakeside resorts - like The Lakend Udaipur. Here you can recharge your energy, practice yoga by the lake, take a dip in the pool or just have a nice meal while watching the sunset over the lake. Don't miss out on this picturesque city and find out what to do in Udaipur when you visit:

Top Things To Do in Udaipur

How to prepare for your trip

  • Festivals

    If you are visiting Northern India in March, you will witness the most colorful festival of them all - take part in a Holi celebration which you cna onyl experience fiullly in India! In the fall (around end of October / beginnign fo Noevmber) you can experience the spirit of Divali, the wonderufl estival of lights. ... millions of lights are brought out and you will see every house decorated with lights and hundreds of candels

  • Give yourself enough time

    Traffic can be a challenge when moving around in India (long-distance as well as shorter trips, i.e. to the airport). Also give yourself timewhen you are staying in one place. IT will help you to adjust to the new city/place but also can be more mindful of the things around you

  • Do research on the area where you stay

    As a general travel rule, but also in India, there are some places that are not ideal to visit by yourself or without a local guide / friend. Put some effort in your research to know which areas is safe to explore by yourself and which ones to go with guidance (especially when you travel solo)

  • Read Tips about Taj Mahal

    Not just on my blog but make sure to do yourresearch to see what you expect from your visit and what you need to prepare for

  • Be cautious about the best way to help

    Sadly we alone cannot help everyone in this worl, so with India's large population and an sad share of poverty, tehre are many poeple you will see who are in need for help. Sometimes it cna get overwhelming, so it is best to speak to someone locally who you trust and see what's the best way to help isntead of giving money directly to begging kids on the street.

  • Give back

    As for all travel, keep in midn to give back tpo the cimmunity and people who make it even possibly us to be welcomed all over teh world.