Our Community

Making new friends and connect with people from all walks of life can be lots of fun and is truly inspiring! Human connections are the fuel to our life! Find the best way for you to connect with like-minded people who are as passionate about travel and mindfulness as you are. Receive frequent updates about beautiful destinations from around the world, find out how to keep developing your mind, learn about meditation, take challenges and see the world from a different perspective.

Be curious. Be engaged. Be connected.


Get inspired by frequent quotes and weekly wisdom about mindfulness, paired with beautiful travel photos from all around the world. Chose for yourself if you want to engage frequently or just "stop by" whenever you feel that it's time for your mindfulness practice or whenever you want to gather inspiration for your next trip.

Share the wisdom of travel and mindfulness with your friends or with the new connections you make through our community. Simply find the inspiration that is most suitable for your current state of life and explore how YOU can make the most out of your own journey!

Join our Instagram Community here:


We invite you to engage with each other through our newly created Facebook group for WOMEN. It gives you a very comfortable environment to connect with female travelers and women from all around the world.

With a strong focus on travel and mindfulness, we exchange ideas, share travel experiences, give each other support, discuss life questions, create a loving-kindness environment and develop women empowerment together. The more we keep sharing our wisdom with each other, the more we can strengthen our community and lead the future generation of women into a world of equality for everyone!

Join our Facebook Community here:


Do you want to get engaged more personally and support others during their journey through life? Do you feel lonely sometimes and don't know where to connect with like-minded people? Are you seeking inspiration for your next trip or want to learn how to meditate? We gather online with a small group of people from all walks of life.

There are fun, casual meetups as well as other sessions which focus on the meaning of life and developing mindfulness. Sign up and let us know if you are seeking support or if you want to offer help to others. We will try to connect the right people and make our meetups fun and comfortable for you to join!

Join our Online Meetups here:

Mindful Happy hour

It’s 5 o’clock somewhere! This happy hour however does not come with lots of cocktails but rather with mindfulness and loving-kindness. We gather people from all walks of life to discuss given topics in regards to mindfulness. We share our ideas, our wisdom and support each other to develop our mind in many different ways. It’s a casual led workshop which is aimed at growing our community and just be happy for an hour! 🙂

When? Every 1. Saturday of the month, 5:00pm (CET)

Where? Online

How much does it cost? FREE

What else do I need to know? There will be a maximum of 10 participants for each session so that we can easier engage with each other. The topics will be announced a few weeks ahead of time, so you can chose the session that interests you most. Check back for more information soon…


In this session we meet with women from around the world to learn from each other and give support to one another. Join this class weather you just want to connect with someone from another country to get some tips from a local for your next adventure, looking for an authentic recipe, or share insights about your culture. If you are interested in growing women empowerment around the world, we look forward to welcome you! 

When? Every other Sunday, 12:00pm (CET)

Where? Online

How much does it cost? FREE

What else do I need to know? We will chat for about 45-60 minutes on given topics with a maximum of 10-15 people in each session. This is an interactive class, so we prefer for everyone to join with video (where possible). New schedule with specific dates coming out soon!