Be adventurous. Be mindful. Be happy.

Experience the world with purpose and an open mind!

Your Guide to Travel and Mindfulness

How wonderful that you are here! With this guide I hope to inspire you to explore the world with an open mind, spark your curiosity to reflect on your life and encourage you to be mindful with yourself and others.

Whether you are seeking inspiration for your next adventure or embarking on a journey to find yourself, I am hoping to guide you to a wonderful destination!

Be Adventurous

Are you dreaming of exploring the world? Travel will make your dreams come true!
When we travel, we experience new things, learn about unfamiliar cultures, and we travel to find meaning. It gives us the opportunity to leave our comfort zone and change our perspective, about ourselves and about others!

If you are eager to go on your own adventure, I hope to inspire you with my travel experience, give you useful tips for your next trip, and simply share the joy of travel with you!

Be Mindful

Even though many people still think of mindfulness and meditation as rather spiritual practices, science has proven that our mind can enhance our overall well-being in many ways. If we are aware of our thoughts and actions, we will become more mindful and ultimately be much happier in life!

Find out how you can develop your mind, how to improve positive thinking, and how to be more compassionate with yourself and others. Learn simple techniques of practicing mindfulness, with a specific focus on meditation, and let yourself be mesmerized by the power of your mind!

Be Happy

“Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.” This saying by the Dalai Lama inspired me to rethink my idea of real happiness. What does it mean to be truly happy? How are my actions affecting my own happiness and that of others? Where can I find happiness?

Instead of chasing after an ultimate destination, waiting for a special occasion to change my life or expecting someone else to pour happiness all over me, I started to seek fulfillment rather than chasing after the ultimate happiness. When you start being mindful, accept your fears, understand your limited believes, and when you are ready to open up your mind and listen to your heart, it can take you on a wonderful journey - filled with love, joy, peace and happiness!

Be Inspired




Be Yourself

“There is no reason not to follow your heart.”

My own adventures began very early in life when I discovered the beauty of traveling at the age of three. Ever since my deep-rooted wanderlust took me to some of the most amazing places around the world. I have visited more than 80 countries across all continents (aside from Antarctica) and I once accepted a challenge to travel to 12 countries in 12 days. This is just one of my adventurous stories to tell, and I am very happy to share more travel experiences with all of you fellow wanderers out there!
Ultimately the universe led me to two very special places, India and Sri Lanka, where I discovered love and wisdom – and I was finally able to embark on an even greater journey: to find myself! 
Once I started to learn more about mindfulness, it has transformed my daily life in a very positive way and it’s been helping me to have a much better understanding of the power of our mind. This is definitely not the easiest journey but by far the most rewarding! So, I am eager to spread the wisdom of mindfulness and try to inspire everyone who is seeking to live a life full of love, compassion, joy, and fulfillment!

Be guided


This meditation class is suitable for beginners as well as people with experience. There will be guided and silent meditation sessions as well as discussions about the teachings of Buddhism that help you to relax your mind. Anyone can join!
Simply sign up to receive information on how to join the next upcoming session.

Be Creative

Do The best souvenirs are memories! That’s true… but photos are not that bad either 😉
Here are some of my favorite shots from around the world. I hope they are an inspiration for you to go out and explore the world on your own, add new destinations to your bucket list, and that they may spark your creativity to take your own cool photos during your next trip.

Be Engaged

This guide was created for YOU! Whether it’s your passion for travel, finding out about a new destination for your next trip, or if you want to develop more meaning in life – we are here to guide you and try to connect you with like-minded people so we can all learn form each other.
I would love to hear your story, learn about your culture and connect with people from all around the world. Let’s share our ideas, our wisdom and our passion for travel and mindfulness. Join our community or feel free to email me with your thoughts and your feedback at any time.
Life is more meaningful if we experience it together!

contact me

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Do you want to be more mindful and positive in life? Or do you have a passion for travel? Then you are in the right place! I will frequently post unique travel photos, share the wisdom of mindfulness, and challenge you to start thinking about what inspires you to be adventurous, be mindful and be happy!

Be well!